8 Skincare Suggestions You May Have Tried That Are Actually Harmful


1. Using several items of various types in a short period of time

Everyone has previously seen skincare regimens on the internet that call for using a variety of products on your face at once, each serving a distinct function. Although it may appear like you are taking good care of your skin by using many layers of cosmetics, your face cannot absorb them all at once. In fact, this may result in issues including blocked pores, dryness, inflammation, and redness.

2. Toothpaste can get rid of acne.

This advice can seem to work since toothpaste contains drying elements like baking soda that might cause a zit to somewhat contract, but the danger is not worth it. While toothpaste is quite good at cleaning teeth, it is too powerful to use on the face since it can irritate skin and cause rashes and burning.

3. Moisturizer is not necessary for those who have oily skin.

If you have oily skin, you might think you need a product to make it less oily rather than greasy. In actuality, moisturizers retain the water in your skin's outer layer to keep it moisturized rather than adding extra water. As a result, if you have oily skin, you may invest in "oil-free" or "non-comedogenic" products that are less likely to clog your pores since hydration involves more than just using products that include oil and fat.

4. You should shave counterclockwise.

While shaving against the grain might help you get much closer to the skin, it also pushes the hair away before it can be cut by the blade, increasing the chance of developing ingrown hairs, skin irritation, razor bumps, and razor burn. Consequently, shaving against the grain is the best and safest choice.

5. Butter may soothe burns.

When you apply something fatty to a burn, such as butter, the heat is released from the skin more slowly, which actually worsens the injury since the heat is trapped. In these situations, using cool water to cure a burn is the best option. Ice, as well as ice water, are likewise excessively abrasive for the skin and must be avoided.

6. Popping a pimple is never a good idea. 

By relieving the pressure and releasing the skin-damaging material trapped inside, popping a pimple in the right manner might actually hasten its healing. The method that harms the skin the least is the most effective technique to do the task. Be as careful as you can, and pick a time when the zit starts to feel and appear somewhat bloated, with its contents ready to come out. 

7. Using hot water to wash your face can help to open up the pores for a more thorough cleaning.

Taking a hot shower can remove the skin's natural protective layer, which can dry it out, but the steam from a hot bath can aid in opening pores. Checking the water temperature to make sure it isn't too hot is the best choice because hot steam may not be able to fully make up for the redness and dryness in the end.

8. Your skin becomes cleaner the more vigorously you exfoliate.

You might think that if you scrub your face vigorously enough, all the impurities and dead skin cells would be removed, revealing a clean, radiant face. Since the skin may rejuvenate itself without the aid of an external chemical, exfoliation is actually a procedure that should be moderate. Scrubbing too vigorously can harm your skin and result in infections, blocked pores, and even more wrinkles.

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